European Dinner

The student association AEGEE-Wien is happy to invite you to our European evening on 6.5.2017!
An event for every nationality, made to meet each other, eat drink and have fun together!

The idea is that everyone brings some typical food of his country (can bee something cooked or something cold, anyway we have also an oven to warm up stuff if necessary) and more important a liqueur typical of his country :-D.

If you cannot bring food we will ask you a small contribution (3€) for the beverages.

We will prepare a big table where everyone can present his dishes and after we will eat and drink . After we will go out all together for party!!

Still some tipps:
-The place is pretty big so feel free to call also friends!
– since the location is private, you have to click “going” to get the exact address
– A basic stock of drinks will provided by us

For time and location see here: