
10295925_10206565247675800_6906649100565970662_o[1]AEGEE-Wien lädt euch herzlich ein, einen Ausflug zu machen! Nächsten Samstag möchten wir mit euch Marokko erkunden – aber keine Angst, ihr braucht keine Flüge buchen oder Unterkunft suchen. Wir holen Marokko nach Wien! Taucht ein in die marokkanische Kultur, probiert landestypische Gerichte und genießt dazu den typischen Minztee!

Du möchtest dabei sein? Bitte schick uns eine Mail an damit wir wissen, wieviel wir vorbereiten dürfen! Wir treffen uns am Samstag in der Nähe der U2 Messe Prater, die genaue Adresse schicken wir dir zu! Bring Hunger mit, marokkanisches Essen, Minztee & Shisha gibt’s genug, Alkohol bring bitte selber mit! 🙂

Wir freuen uns auf euer Kommen! 🙂

Be invited to explore Morocco with us: The place where people in the hooded cloaks, strong smells, items sold at the souks, and actually everything in medina will give you an utmost feeling of having time-travelled to medieval times. The place where you will feel humiliated by the majority of the population including 7-year-old boys who can fluently speak 3, 5, 7 languages. The place where you will fall in love with tajine so much you can eat it from the day one until the very last day you leave the country (and you will try so hard to make a tajine pot and ingredients fit in your luggage). The place where you will enjoy getting lost in the labyrinths of narrow streets inside medinas. The place where you will leave lots of tips for the young boys who keep following you to show you the correct direction because the places you’re looking for are impossible to find. The place where you will be absolutely amazed by the hospitality of its people.

Interested in exploring moroccan culture with us? Please send an e-Mail to, so that we know how much we should cook 🙂
The location will be near the U2 station Messe Prater, we’ll send you the exact address by e-mail.