Let’s go bowling!

Celebrate with us the middle of the week by throwing heavy balls at defenseless wooden pins: Over and over again!

If thats too cruel for you, you can also just have a chat and/or drink with us πŸ™‚

Details here

Next round of AEGEE-Wien: Discussions & Stammtisch

A new semester starts soon, but also a new term for AEGEE-Wien.
What do YOU expect from the season 2017/2018?
What events do you want to have or even help us organize?
What bars do you want us to meet in?
Which projects are you interested in?
Where do you want to go for an exchange?

On 7.9.2017 we are gonna discuss it all πŸ™‚

The program is as following:
– What is AEGEE and what are its tasks (for the new members)
– Summer Universities 2017, stories and experiencies of the participants
– Projects for the new year, what do we want to do

There will be snacks and drinks, aftewards we go together to a pub!

Details here.
See you there guys!

European Dinner

The student association AEGEE-Wien is happy to invite you to our European evening on 6.5.2017!
An event for every nationality, made to meet each other, eat drink and have fun together!

The idea is that everyone brings some typical food of his country (can bee something cooked or something cold, anyway we have also an oven to warm up stuff if necessary) and more important a liqueur typical of his country :-D.

If you cannot bring food we will ask you a small contribution (3€) for the beverages.

We will prepare a big table where everyone can present his dishes and after we will eat and drink . After we will go out all together for party!!

Still some tipps:
-The place is pretty big so feel free to call also friends!
– since the location is private, you have to click “going” to get the exact address
– A basic stock of drinks will provided by us

For time and location see here:


Summer University application ends soon…

We don’t wanna stress you, but 28.4. 12:00 is soon. Very soon. So don’t be shy, apply!Β 

PS: If you aren’t a member yet, you first have to sign up herehttp://www.intranet.aegee.org/login/signUp
and transfer (IBAN: AT20 2011 1295 6096 9800) us the EUR 20,- membership fee for 2017. to accelerate the process you can send us a screenshot of the transaction. after that we can activate your membership.

AEGEE Summer University Infoabend

On 26.4.2017 we will tell you everything about AEGEE’s oldest and biggest project – the Summer Universities. We will explain how you can apply and what you can expect and share some of our own SU-impressions!

You can have a look on this year’s great selection of adventures at http://www.aegee.org/SU

There are…
… 65 destinations in Europe
… in a period between June, 26th and September, 10th
… for 8 to 18 days
… with 15-50 european students
… for a price between €109 to €495

Meet open minded students from all over Europe, discover this continent away from the typical tourist trails and experience an unforgettable Summer!
The deadline for applying is April, 28th at noon! So what are you waiting for? Come over on Wednesday and get informed!

We are looking forward to see you,

your AEGEE-Wien Team

Details here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1772886929707442/

Krampus event

As you know, one of the most important things AEGEE stands for is cultural exchange. So we will take you to experience the ancient Austrian tradition of “Krampus” and you will see that its (probably) not traumatising for little kids at all ;).
On 10.12.2016 we will go by train to the nice town of Tulln an der Donau, to see a Krampuslauf (Krampus run) on the main square and maybe have some drinks at the advent village there. Transportation will cost something betwen 9 and 15 EUR, depending on how many people we are.

More details here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1811663062409974/

General Assembly & Pub Crawl

We would like to invite you to our yearly general assembly on 04.11.2016.
Not only will you be able to see what we did in our last year, you can also take part in our future by voting the new board (if your are a regular member). If you want to candidate for a board position yourself, please write to info(at)aegee-wien.orgΒ or tell us in person before the beginning of the assembly.

It will take place in our office (Europazentrum Wien, Lassingleithnerplatz 2/3).

The Agenda is as follows:
– Welcoming
– Reports of the board and financial auditors
– Discharge of the board
– Presentation of new candidates
– Presentation of activity plan for new term
– Election of new board and financial auditors
– Closing

After the assembly we will do a pub crawl to celebrate the new board (and financial auditors) πŸ˜€ !

Special (Movie) Stammtisch

Instead of the usual Stammtisch, we will go to the premiere of “Doctor Strange” on 26.10.2016 (National holiday). The movie will be in English with subtitles.
If you want to join us and get tickets for freeΒ you have to register here:http://europaclubs.at/DrStrangeΒ (Possible until Monday, 24.10.2016).
After the movie we will probably go for a drink πŸ™‚

See you πŸ™‚

SU Returners Evening & International Potluck Dinner

Come along to our SU Returners Evening & first Potluck Dinner Night on 20.10.2016!

If you’re already tired of the usually tough start of the semester, take a break with a pleasant company, listen to the stories of our members who travelled to places all over Europe during the summer and satisfy your hunger with delicious meals prepared by you and everyone else who comes along.

We encourage everyone to bring something that they cooked. If you bring food, you will be able to try both yours and others meals. Otherwise, if you really don’t want to cook, don’t have the time or possibility, just bring some snacks or sweets! πŸ™‚ Drinks will be provided by AEGEE-Wien!

More details here.

PS: To everyone who has been participant or organiser of a summer university: Please bring some pictures or videos & tell us about your adventures (for about 5 min)!